All posts by Mel

Rock Harbor In Orleans On Cape Cod Is Very Busy This Summer

There were a lot of boats, big and small, going in and out of Rock Harbor the other day. It was a nonstop parade of boats.

At Rock Harbor you have to go in or out with your boat about 2 hours before or 2 hours after high tide or you will get stuck at low tide. The tides on Cape Cod Bay have a huge swing.


Rock Harbor has very unique channel buoys. They look like trees planted in the bay. Very cool.

Have you ever been to Rock Harbor?

Pink Stork’s Bill Wildflowers At Fort Hill In Eastham On Cape Cod

The pink Stork’s Bill wildflowers at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod were spectacular. They were such a vibrant shade of pink!

Stork’s Bill are small pink flowers with 5 petals in  long-stemmed umbrels. The flowers are tiny, only 3/4″ and bloom from April to October.

Have you ever seen a  Stork’s Bill wildflower?

Eastham Historical Society And Original Schoolhouse On Cape Cod

I f you’ve never been to the Eastham Historical Society by the Salt Pond Visitor’s Center on Cape Cod, put it on your list. You can get a tour of the museum and tons of artifacts from old Eastham. It is fascinating.

And…the original schoolhouse adjoins the building so you can get a first hand look at what a typical classroom looked like way back when and even sit in one of the desks. It is really cool, especially for kids.

They have field trips that go there and the students can dress up in period dress, just like the kids who went to school there. What an awakening it is to them!