All posts by Mel

Red-Bellied Woodpecker At Our Bird Feeder On Cape Cod


We have a Red-Bellied Woodpecker that lives near our home on Cape Cod and comes by several times a day to feed from the suet at our bird feeder. I can always tell when he is nearby by his distinct call. It’s almost that he is announcing his arrival at the feeder.

He is such a handsome bird with the bright red on his head. It is ironic that there is virtually no red on his belly.

Last night as I was sitting on our deck, the Red-Bellied Woodpecker came to our feeder filled with grape jelly (for the Baltimore Orioles) several times. And then he flew back up to the tree and there were 2 babies up there waiting for him! What an awesome sight!!

Snapping Turtle Crossing The Road In Eastham On Cape Cod

We were driving home the other day  when this car in front of us stopped  and was waving for others to stop. There was a Snapping Turtle crossing the road. I didn’t get to snap a photograph of it until it was almost by.

There are many different species of turtles here from Snapping Turtles to Terrapins to Box Turtles to Leatherback Turtles to Painted Turtles and many more. The Audubon Sanctuary in Wellfleet works very heavily with turtles.

Snapping Turtles are large turtles of about 15″. They have a massive head and a long neck. Their powerful jaws can give a serious bite, so  don’t ever get near one.

Laughing Gulls At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk on the beach at Boat Meadow when I heard these laughing Gulls squawking at each other. It sounded as though they were laughing at each other back and forth. I watched (and listened) to them for a bit until a Crow flew in and started squawking along with them It was hilarious!

The Laughing Gulls flew away!

Pretty Yellow Celandine In Eastham On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty yellow Celandine wildflower at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod this past week. Calendine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are about 3/4″ while the plant grows to 1-3 feet from May to July on wooded edges, which is exactly where I saw it.

Have you ever seen a Celandine?

Nauset Marsh On The National Seashore From Fort Hill Is Spectacular!

The view of Nauset Marsh from Fort Hill is just spectacular! It was fun to take a little hike and click away.

I love this photograph of Nauset Marsh, which is part of the National Seashore. It was fun to use my app and get a a little different feel to it.

What do you think?