All posts by Mel

Grey And White Sanderlings At Nauset Beach In Orleans On Cape Cod

It was a glorious day to take a walk at Nauset Beach in Orleans on Cape Cod with warm temperatures and gusty winds. I walked quite a ways down the beach in a direction that I don’t usually go. It was so pretty.

On the way back I noticed what I thought was some foam from the waves, but it looked too uniform. As I got closer I realized that it was 8 little white and grey birds all huddled together. They moved in unison. If one hopped to the right, they all hopped to the right. They were just adorable.

I stopped and clicked away, wondering what they were. When I got home I looked them up in my Sibley Bird Book and saw that they are adult nonbreeding Sanderlings.  Sanderlings are small, plump sandpipers with a stout bill about the same length as the head. Their black legs blur as they run back and forth on the beach, picking or probing for tiny prey in the wet sand left by receding waves.

Sanderlings are extreme long-distance migrants that breed only on High Arctic tundra, but during the winter they live on the beaches around the world.

I had never seen a Sanderling before, have you?


Beautiful Swan Silhouette On Meeting House Pond In Orleans On Cape Cod

The lighting was just perfect as this Swan was silhouetted against the dark, sparkly water of Meetinghouse Pond in Orleans on Cape Cod. It was just gorgeous!

We have seen a lot of Swans in the pond in the past few weeks. They are so regal as they swim about.

Pretty photograph, don’t you think?

Huge Waves At Nauset Light After The Blizzard Last Weekend On Cape Cod

The morning after the blizzard this past  weekend on Cape Cod saw waves that were unreal! They were huge. You couldn’t see any beach or sand at any of the beaches that we stopped at which included Boat Meadows, Nauset Beach, Nauset Light Beach and Coast Guard Beach. The waves consumed the entire beach!

Spectacular, don’t you think?