All posts by Mel

Update On Manny From My Enjoy Estes Park Blog


Those of you who have followed my Enjoy Estes Park Blog for years know “Manny,” my good friend from back east. He loved reading my Blog and commented eloquently every day.

And then he got sick and was in the hospital for a while last spring. He has since moved to a new assisted living home in Massachusetts.

I spoke to him a couple of days ago and he had a hard time remembering me but… as soon as I mentioned my Dad and how we used to drive up and take him out to lunch, he remembered my Dad and me! He loved my Dad and they had a great time together. He was thrilled that we have moved to Cape Cod because that is where we met him about 18 years ago, at the  Audubon Bird Sanctuary in Wellfleet.

So, Manny is doing well. He is a bit forgetful at times and can’t quite master the computer like he used to but… he lives only 10 minutes away from my daughter, so I know I will see him again! It was so great to get back in touch with him. He truly is a special person.

This is the photograph I took one year ago when my Dad and I were out to lunch with him.

Interesting Clematis Flower Gone By On Cape Cod


It’s been fun looking for new and different kinds of photographs here on Cape Cod.

Outside the front door of the home that we are renting until our home is built is a Clematis that has gone by. It was quite large and climbing up the light post.

I never got to see it in bloom. But, I loved these two photographs of the Clematis as it starts to seed and then when it is ready to disperse its seeds.


So delicate…


And 2 weeks after I took those 2 photographs, a new flower bloomed. Exquisite colors, don’t you think? It’s still summer!