Category Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

The Calm Before The Winter Storm On Cape Cod

We are expecting a “winter storm” today so I took a walk to the beach yesterday afternoon to see if there were any good photographs. I was pleasantly surprised.

I took this photograph of the storm brewing on Cape Cod Bay but I used 2 different settings on my app. The first one is a little more dramatic… but I think I like it.

Which one do you like better?

Beautiful Walk To Boat Meadow Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

I love the walk from my home here on Cape Cod to Boat Meadow Beach. You go from the woods then across the Salt Marsh and then down the road to the beach. It doesn’t get much prettier.

I was walking there a couple of days ago when the sun was shining and the clouds were magnificent.  I just stood and stared at this picture. So pretty, don’t you think?

I clicked away…


Chatham Beach Shack On Cape Cod

If you park at Chatham Light on Cape Cod and walk down the steps to the beach and then along the beach, there is a little shack in the high grass. It looks like it has been there for years.

We wondered how it got there? And what it is for? Does someone own it?

Does anyone know anything about this little shack? Someone obviously takes care of it! It would be fun to know a little about it…

Common Eiders At Boat Meadow River On Cape Cod

There is a pair of Common Eiders on Boat Meadow Creek in Eastham on Cape Cod. I’ve seen them recently from the bridge on Bridge Road.

The Common Eider is a large duck, from 23-27″ and usually lives along the coastline in all seasons. It feeds primarily underwater on mollusks by up-ending or swimming with only its head submerged.

It was pretty cool to see  these Common Eiders as I’ve only seen them a couple of times before. Look at the difference in coloring from the male to the female. Have you ever seen one?