Category Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Great Refraction Reflection At Rock Harbor In Orleans On Cape Cod


I loved this reflection of the channel markers at Rock Harbor in Orleans on Cape Cod.  The channel markers, which are trees, are used to guide the boats in and out of Rock Harbor.

The water was like glass so you could really see their reflection. I thought it was so cool how the markers are refracted at such an angle as they hit the water.

What do you think?


Gorgeous Day For A Walk On Coast Guard Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

We took advantage of many gorgeous winter days to walk along the beaches in Cape Cod, especially Coast Guard Beach which has been rated as one of the top 10 beaches in the world! Henry David Thoreau, in his book Cape Cod,  named Coast Guard ‘The Great Beach’. A fitting name as the beach seems to go on forever sharing sands with other famous names such as Marconi and Nauset.

This was a perfect day for a walk on Coast Guard Beach! The temperatures were in the 60s and just glorious!

Sundogs In The Sky On Boat Meadows Beach On Cape Cod


Phil and I were taking a walk on the beach on Christmas Day when we looked up in the sky and we saw the sun with distinct spots on either side of it.

In posting it on our Enjoying Cape Cod Facebook page, one of our friends wrote and told us they were Sundogs. These Sundogs are  also known as mock suns or “parhelia”, with a pair of brightly colored spots, one on either side of the sun.

Very cool, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Sundog?