Category Archives: Cape Cod Beaches

Stunning Overlook On Pamet Trail In North Truro On Cape Cod


Pamet Trail in North Truro offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean. This is one that I just love! You can even take a long walk along the beach which goes for miles. When we were there, a little seal was swimming along the shore.

Pamet Trail has three different trail options: one to the breach of Ballston Beach, one to this ocean overlook and another one to the Bog House where cranberries were harvested years ago.

All three trails are gorgeous and great for the whole family!


Northern Gannet Diving For Food At Coast Guard Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod


We were surprised to see this Northern Gannet diving for food at Coast Guard Beach the other day. At first we weren’t sure what kind of diving bird it was as it plummeted into the ocean over and over again.


Northern Gannets dive vertically into the sea at velocities of up to 62mph. It was just amazing to watch. He would fly around for a bit and then dive head first straight into the water while tucking his wings in like a missile.


And then he flew away. It was fun looking in my bird book to identify what kind of diving bird he was. Have you ever seen a Northern Gannet diving into the sea?

The 2013 Breach Of Ballston Beach In North Truro On Cape Cod


One of the trails in the Pamet Trail Area  in North Truro on Cape Cod goes to a stunning overlook where, during a winter storm in 2013,  the Atlantic Ocean breached the huge sand dunes on Ballston Beach and sent surging waves up the Pamet River all the way to Route 6. It is unbelievable how the coastline changed during that winter storm.

You can see in this photograph how powerful the breach was that winter day as it broke through the dunes.

Pamet Trail is great hike and worth the effort to see these spectacular views. A hike for the whole family!