Category Archives: Cape Cod National Seashore

Bufflehead Ducks On Boat Meadows River In Eastham On Cape Cod

The last time I saw a Bufflehead was way out in the ocean off of Coast Guard Beach on Cape Cod many, many years ago. I always loved their black and white coloring and their little diving antics. They are a small, compact duck with a relatively large head.

Male Buffleheads are striking black and white, with iridescent green and purple heads with a large white patch behind the eye. Females are grey-toned with a smaller white patch behind the eye and a light underside.


The name bufflehead is a combination of buffalo and head, referring to the oddly bulbous head shape of the species. This is most noticeable when the male puffs out the feathers on the head, thus greatly increasing the apparent size of the head.

It was such a treat to see these diving ducks so close on the river near my home and so many of them together.

Have you ever seen a Bufflehead?


Black And White Photograph Of Where The Sky Meets The Water At Boat Meadows On Cape Cod


I loved this black and white photograph of where the ominous sky meets  the beach at Boat Meadows in Eastham on Cape Cod.

Boat Meadows is the perfect photo-op on Cape Cod for just about anything from landscape to sunsets. The background is just spectacular.

What do you think?


Great Day To Go Stand Up Paddleboard Surfing At Coast Guard Beach In Eastham On Cape Cod

The wind was up and the waves were good for Stand Up Paddleboard Surfing at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod. This surfer was taking advantage of the beautiful weather that we had in December.

Cape Cod Stand Up Paddleboard Surfing is growing in popularity as more and more people experience the pure adrenaline rush of being propelled by the sheer power of ocean waves. And Coast Guard Beach is one of the favorite beaches on the Outer Cape to get out that paddleboard and enjoy that rush, any time of the year.


Beautiful Sunset At Boat Meadows In Eastham On Cape Cod

We happened to driving by Boat Meadows in Eastham on Cape Cod at just the right moment. The sunset looked like it moght me really nice. We stopped the car, ran onto the beach and clicked. Within  30 seconds the sun had disappeared below the horizon.

Pretty, don’t you think?