Category Archives: Cape Cod Trails

Multi-Colored Porcelain-Berries At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

If you take the trail from the lower parking lot up to Carving Rock at Fort Hill, you can see the most beautiful multi-colored “Porcelain- berries” all along the trail on the left side. They are just exquisite! I have never them before and had no idea what they were. (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

“Porcelain-berry is a deciduous, perennial, woody vine from Asia that can grow 10 to 15 feet a year.  A relative of our native grapes, porcelain-berry produces distinctive fruits in late summer and early fall that change from lilac or green to bright blue.”

But there is a major problem:  “It invades field and field edges and spreads rapidly. Porcelain-berry climbs on and over native plants, much like oriental bittersweet.  Currently it is mostly found in southeastern Massachusetts and along the coast.  Birds are attracted to the fruit and spread the seeds.”

Although they are beautiful and look like a vine of tiny colorful Easter eggs, they are a very invasive plant in Massachusetts.

Interesting Red Dragonfly On The Trail On Cape Cod.

There seem to be a lot of dragonflies flying about this time of year. We’ve seen so many of them on the trails. I saw this red one on the Buttonbush Trail by the Visitor Center in Eastham down by the swamp.

Does anyone know what kind of dragonfly this is? I need to find a good book on dragonflies!

Look at his face! How cute!


Red Cardinal Wildflowers At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod.

I was so surprised to see these gorgeous, bright red Cardinal Wildflowers on the Silver Spring Trail at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. They were just beautiful and growing along the trail by the spring. I’ve never seen them there before at all so this was a big treat!

Have you ever seen a Cardinal Wildflower?

Pretty Yellow Celandine Wildflower On Cape Cod.

Celandine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and tiny, deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are only 3/4″ while the plants grows from 1-3 feet from May through July. I saw many of these wildflowers on the trail by the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham in late August!

So delicate and pretty, don’ t you think?



Beautiful Yellow Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly In Provincetown On Cape Cod.

If you want to see butterflies and dragonflies, go to Beech Forest Trail in Provincetown. They are everywhere! I saw this beautiful yellow Tiger Swallowtail in a bush near the marsh. It was just close enough to get a decent photograph.

The Tiger Swallowtails are a large butterfly with a wingspan of 3-5.5″. They are overall yellow with black stripes and tails. They live on woodland edges, meadows and parks east of the Rockies.

Have you ever seen a Tiger Swallowtail? So pretty!