It was a gorgeous day for a hike at the Audubon and what a day for bird watching! We saw at least 40-50 Egrets and 10 Great Blue Herons by the little ponds on the salt marsh. It was such a beautiful sight! Wow!
Nauset Marsh Trail is one of my favorite trails. It is always so pretty and there is so much to see. No matter how many times you hike over this bridge on the trail by the salt pond, it always looks different and always so pretty.
It was a beautiful morning with the sky filled with hues of pastel colors. I took a ride down to Boat Meadow Beach. It was low tide and you could hear the loud noises of hundreds of birds on the mud flats in the distance.
It was so pretty… there was even a Great Blue Heron fishing in the shallow waters.
Pinch me…. It doesn’t get much prettier!