Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Beautiful Glacier Rocks By The Kettle Ponds On Cape Cod.

There are so many rocks, called erratics, left by the glaciers along the shores of  the thousands of kettle ponds here on Cape Cod. Some are huge and some are really small. You can see the large size of the rocks in the 2nd and 3rd photos. (Click on blog link to see other photos.)

Have you seen many glacial rocks in your travels on Cape Cod or elsewhere?

Great Blue Heron Fishing At Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

This Great Blue Heron was fishing for lunch the other day as we walked by on the boardwalk between Doane Rock Trail and Coast Guard Beach. (Click on blog link for other photo.) You can see he has already caught his lunch in the first photograph, while in the 2nd photograph he is trying to catch his meal.

What a great hike! You never know what you will see. There is always something going on by Nauset Marsh. Make sure you look on both sides of the bridge as you walk by. You might even see a Great Blue Heron catching his lunch!.

Relaxing On A Cape Cod Hike… It Doesn’t Get Much Better!

We took a hike around Flax Pond after lunch one day last week where there are many benches by the water to just sit and relax… which is what I did. Phil took this photograph from behind.

I loved it! The sun looks magical and those beautiful reflections on the water. What do you think?