Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Delicate Oyster Shell On Cape Cod Bay.

We’ve seen so many Oyster shells on the beaches of Cape Cod Bay lately. It must be “the oyster season.”

Did you know that “the most widely known ecological function of the oyster is that they filter the water? Oysters are considered vacuum cleaners. They filter the water removing organic and inorganic particles from the water column resulting in cleaner water which positively impacts other species.”

Very interesting, don’t you think?



Pretty Bluebell Wildflowers On Cape Cod!

I saw these pretty, little wildflowers in the woods on one of my walks recently. There were some blue, pink and white flowers. I had to zoom in on my camera as there was quite a lot of Poison Ivy between me and the flowers and I wasn’t going to risk that this early in the season.

I did some research and found that these Bluebells are sometimes called Wild Hyacinth.

Have you ever seen any wild Bluebells or Wild Hyacinth where you live?

Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod Looked Like Summer Yesterday!

Memorial Day weekend has been just spectacular with sunny skies and warm temperatures! We took a long walk on Coast Guard Beach yesterday morning. It was warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt. And then walked on the bayside in the afternoon.  It doesn’t get much better!

Boat Meadow Beach on Cape Cod Bay looks like a summer day with people even swimming!

Black-Bellied Plover At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod!

We headed out to the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary early yesterday morning to see what birds were out on the beach, as it was soon to be low tide. We were not disappointed!

Looking for food in the tidal pools was a Black-Bellied Plover and he was beautiful! We spoke to one of the volunteers and she said that this bird was just coming into his plumage.

Beautiful bird, don’t you think?