Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly In Provincetown On Cape Cod!

I had a little extra time on my way to Provincetown, so I stopped at the Beech Forest Trail to see what I could find. Oh my! Thank goodness I brought my camera! There were birds, butterflies and dragonflies galore! And I didn’t even have to walk more than 10 yards. Wow! (Click on blog link to see other photo.)

This Red-spotted Purple butterfly landed at my feet while I was photographing a  dragonfly. I had never seen this gorgeous blue butterfly before, so it was fun to come home and do a little research. I had no idea what it was.

The Red-spotted Purple butterfly  is 3-3.5″ and black with iridescent blue at the borders above with several white spots at FW tips. The underside was so totally different with brick-red marks.

Such a cool find… have you ever seen a Red-spotted Purple butterfly?


If You’re On Cape Cod, Look For The Hydrangeas!

Hydrangeas seem to be “the” Cape Cod flower. They grow beautifully here and are certainly abundant! When we were building our home a few years ago, the two staples that I wanted for our “Cape Cod garden” were Hydrangeas and Daisies.

Depending on the acidity in the soil, they can be shades of blue or purple.

So pretty, don’t you think?

Great Blue Heron At Boat Meadow Creek On Cape Cod.

We were driving home the other night when I saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron out of the corner of my eye. He was standing on the banks of the salt marsh looking for dinner. I quickly drove home and got my camera. Luckily, he was still there a few minutes later.

The Great Blue Heron is my favorite bird…. so beautiful and elegant and regal. It always “makes my day” when I see “Blue” flying up in the sky…or sitting by the creek waiting for dinner.