We have an Osprey who really takes advantage of the “blue boxes” on the salt marsh at Boat Meadow Creek. The blue boxes are put out each summer to help control mosquitoes and other insects near the salt marsh. (Click blog link to see other photo.)
This Osprey uses it as its perch to see the fish nearby. He then flies off, catches his fish and then brings it back to the blue box to eat, or sometimes to the telephone pole nearby. Pretty clever, huh? You can see the fish in its talons as he flies away.
I love the deep bluish-violet color of the Chicory wildflowers blooming all over Cape Cod this time of year. They are such a pretty color and such a beautiful flower.
Chicory grows on a stiff stalk and has numerous stemless flower heads with petals that are fringed at the ends. Each flower only lasts for one day. They grow from June to October so you have plenty of time to see them!
My favorite time of the day is 6:00 am when I take a glorious bike ride… over the salt marsh, to the beach, to the harbors, through town and back home on the bike trail. This is Boat Meadow Beach in the early morn with high tide approaching.
It was a gorgeous sunset at Rock Harbor and there were a lot of people there to enjoy the moment. I loved this photograph of the sun setting between the boats in the harbor.
What do you think? Have you ever seen a sunset at Rock Harbor?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.