We were on our way to the gym a few days ago when we saw this awesome sunrise to the east. So, the next morning we left a bit earlier and got to Fort Hill, on the National Seashore, just as the sun started to rise. It was just spectacular as you can see the sun over Nauset Marsh with the Atlantic Ocean in the background. The sun was so huge!
Usually the Cabbage White butterflies spend most of their time flitting from flower to flower. It is very difficult to get a photograph of them as they don’t stay in one place long enough.
We were at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary looking to photograph Monarch butterflies when I saw this Cabbage White on a yellow flower. I got my camera out and clicked away. He never moved. That wildflower must have been delicious!
I got so many great photographs, but this one is my favorite! What do you think?
The baby Terrapin turtles are hatching along the beaches and trails at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. You can see the nests which have been marked in the photograph below with a cage to keep predators out. The blue tape lets the staff know that the incubation period is right around that time.
Staff at the sanctuary make 2 trips a day out to all of the nests to see if there are any hatchlings. The baby Terrapins cannot survive by themselves in the first hours of their life due to many factors which include ants, maggots and dehydration from the sun.
After they have absorbed their yolk and regained their energy back at the sanctuary, they are then set free out by their nest. They do not need to eat for quite a while. They never seen their mothers again and will spend most of their life in the water.
The story of the Terrapin turtle is quite fascinating and so interesting to learn about!
I rode my bike down to First Encounter Beach in Eastham so I could get a photograph of the beautiful beach early in the morning.
I loved this photograph. I laughed when I saw that I got my long shadow and those of the signs and beach fence as I photographed the beautiful beach. Funny, don’t you think?
It makes me think that summer is almost over as the shadows are getting so much longer this time of year.
This Black Swallowtail butterfly was pretty elusive as I was chasing it at Fort Hill on Cape Cod. I would see it flit around and land and, by the time I got to it, it flew away again.
The Black Swallowtail is a large butterfly, measuring 2 1/2 to 3 1/2.” It is overall black with iridescent blue, yellow and orange markings.
I was only able to get one photograph of it. What a beautiful butterfly!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.