Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Perfect Day For A Walk At Nauset Beach On Cape Cod

It was a glorious day for a walk on Nauset Beach,  part of the National Seashore, on Cape Cod! It was warm enough for just a sweatshirt and the sun was shining brightly!

I loved this photograph of Phil walking down the beach with the gorgeous clouds in the background. Perfect solitude…


Pretty Blue Spring Azure Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

We saw this pretty blue Spring Azure Butterfly while hiking at Fort Hill. It was really difficult to get a photograph of it with its wings open as it was flitting everywhere and very close to the ground.

When it closed up its wings, it looks like a totally different butterfly.

It is a small butterfly with its wingspan 3/4″ to 1  1/4″.

Have you ever seen a Spring Azure butterfly?

Beautiful Scarlet Tanager In Our Backyard On Cape Cod!

I was working away on my Blog yesterday afternoon when something red caught my eye. I looked out into our backyard and saw this gorgeous Scarlet Tanager sitting on a branch in one of the trees. I have only seen one once before at Bushy Point in Connecticut many years ago and never here on Cape Cod.

I had my camera nearby so I clicked away. He was only here for a few moments and then he flew away.

What a wonderful treat to see in my own backyard! WOW! He’s gorgeous, don’t you think? Another one of those “was there at the right time, with camera nearby” moments!

We’ve been keeping count of how many different species of birds that we’ve seen in our backyard since we moved in a year ago… we’re up to 38 different species!