Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Our Garden At Our New Home On Cape Cod Is Blooming With Flowers!

When we moved in this past spring we planted some Rose bushes and Day Lilies in the back yard. They would be pretty and come up each year. But I had to have my favorite flower, the Zinnia. I think they are so pretty and they bloom and bloom and bloom. Now I have so many flowers, I cannot cut them all and put them in my house.

I always get the ones called “Cut & Come Again” because each time you cut a flower, two more will grow and bloom. So,k they multiply and are gorgeous!


Bird Feathers On Cape Cod

Phil and I were taking a walk from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod the other day. I saw this huge Red-tailed Hawk feather on the trail. I thought it was so pretty that I took a photograph. I put a penny next to it so you could see how big it was.


A couple of days later I was filling our bird bath and noticed this tiny little feather floating in the water. I wonder what kind of bird it was from? So I put a penny next to it so you could see how tiny it was.

Pretty cool, huh?


Beautiful Orange Sulfur Butterfly At My Home On Cape Cod

This beautiful Orange Sulfur butterfly was flitting from Zinnia to Zinnia at my home here on Cape Cod. I have never seen one before.

Orange Sulfur butterflies are about 2″ in wingspan. They are overall yellow with bright orange and black wing borders- solid in males and broken in females. They have 1-2 red-ringed spots on their hindwings.


Have you ever seen an Orange Sulfur butterfly? Pretty, don’t you think?