Category Archives: Cape Cod Blog

Red-Bellied Woodpecker At Our Bird Feeder On Cape Cod


We have a Red-Bellied Woodpecker that lives near our home on Cape Cod and comes by several times a day to feed from the suet at our bird feeder. I can always tell when he is nearby by his distinct call. It’s almost that he is announcing his arrival at the feeder.

He is such a handsome bird with the bright red on his head. It is ironic that there is virtually no red on his belly.

Last night as I was sitting on our deck, the Red-Bellied Woodpecker came to our feeder filled with grape jelly (for the Baltimore Orioles) several times. And then he flew back up to the tree and there were 2 babies up there waiting for him! What an awesome sight!!

Laughing Gulls At Boat Meadow Beach On Cape Cod

I was taking a walk on the beach at Boat Meadow when I heard these laughing Gulls squawking at each other. It sounded as though they were laughing at each other back and forth. I watched (and listened) to them for a bit until a Crow flew in and started squawking along with them It was hilarious!

The Laughing Gulls flew away!

Pretty Yellow Celandine In Eastham On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty yellow Celandine wildflower at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod this past week. Calendine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are about 3/4″ while the plant grows to 1-3 feet from May to July on wooded edges, which is exactly where I saw it.

Have you ever seen a Celandine?

Nauset Marsh On The National Seashore From Fort Hill Is Spectacular!

The view of Nauset Marsh from Fort Hill is just spectacular! It was fun to take a little hike and click away.

I love this photograph of Nauset Marsh, which is part of the National Seashore. It was fun to use my app and get a a little different feel to it.

What do you think?

The Double-Crested Cormorants Are Back On Cape Cod!

The Double-Crested Cormorants are back on Cape Cod! I saw this flock on the rock that sits out in the bay at Rock Harbor.

Double-Crested Cormorants are black birds with a greenish cast and are about 33″. You can frequently see them along the beach on the rocks or buoys as they spread their wings to dry them while resting.