Category Archives: Cape Cod Hiking

Beautiful New Bench At Nickerson State Park On Cape Cod.

There is a beautiful new bench where a few of the trails intersect  by Heartbreak Hill in Nickerson State Park in Brewster. It was built and installed by the New England Mountain Bike Association.  (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Nickerson has many trails that are accessible to both hikers and mountain bikers, so don’t be surprised if you happen to see some along the way. Or sit for a minute and relax while you enjoy those wonderful trails.

Beautiful Orange Sulfur Butterfly At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

It’s amazing that there are still butterflies flitting around going from flower to flower like it is still summertime. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

We saw this beautiful Orange Sulphur butterfly and this Cabbage White (2nd photo) just this week on the trail at Fort Hill.

Have you seen any butterflies lately?  Just amazing that there are still butterflies and still lots of wildflowers blooming!


Great Island Trail In Wellfleet On Cape Cod.

The Great Island Trail in Wellfleet is one for the whole family! There are so many variations, it’s easy to choose one, or two, that everyone will love. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

After you park at the lot, you walk down the trail until you reach the sand by the marsh which you can see in the 2nd photograph.

You can follow the trail out to Smith Tavern, Great Beach Hill or Jeremy Point, depending on which fork in the trail you take. Whichever one you take, the views are spectacular!

Twin Little Copper Butterflies On The Doane Rock Trail On Cape Cod.

I was so surprised to see not one, but two of these beautiful Little Copper butterflies on the trail by Coast Guard Beach. I hadn’t seen very many butterflies this past summer and was surprised they were still around. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Little Copper butterflies are very small with a wing span of only about an inch. Have you ever seen one? Beautiful little butterfly, don’t you think?