Category Archives: Cape Cod Hiking

White Indian Pipe Wildflower Blooming Along The Trail On Cape Cod.

I was just commenting to Phil that I hadn’t seen an Indian Pipe wildflower yet this summer. And then, not even 5 minutes later, there was one on the side of the John Kendrick Woods Trail.  It was perfect, under the tree with a little bit of sun shining on it.

Indian Pipe, a whitish, waxy, scaly stalk with nodding bell-shaped flowers, does not contain chlorophyll, so it doesn’t photosynthesize. Its nutrients come from decaying matter. They bloom in the rich woods from July through September, so you still have time to see it.
Have you ever seen one?




Doane Rock On Cape Cod Is Huge!.

“Doane Rock is a glacial erratic located in Eastham, Massachusetts on the grounds of the Cape Cod National Seashore. It is the largest exposed boulder on Cape Cod. It stands 18 feet (5.5 m) high and extends below the ground an estimated 12 feet.”

Doane Rock is a cool place to visit as it has so much history. There are even picnic tables and trails nearby… and, kids love it! The 2nd photo is of one of the trails  from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach.

Pretty View By The Salt Pond In Eastham On Cape Cod.

This was such a pretty view of the canoes next to the salt pond by the National Seashore Visitors Center in Eastham. I love that hike overlooking Nauset Marsh and then back through the woods. Have you ever taken the Nauset Marsh Trail?