Category Archives: Cape Cod Hiking

Great Horned Owl Feather On The Trail At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

We were taking a hike at Fort Hill the other day when we saw this gorgeous Great Horned Owl  feather right in the middle of the trail. I’d never seen one up so close. Such an intricate pattern and so  beautiful! Have you ever seen one?

We left the feather on the branch of a bush off to the side of the trail for others to enjoy.

PS  I originally posted this as a Red-tailed Hawk feather. Stephanie Ellis, executive director of Wild Care Cape Cod, corrected me. It is the feather of a Great Horned Owl! Wow! What a treat! Thank you, Stephanie!

Resident Red-Tailed Hawk At Fort Hill On CapeCod.

We frequently see a Red-tailed Hawk on top of the tall pole as you drive past the first parking lot Fort Hill. He sure has a great vantage point looking for is next meal from way up there. We call it the “Fort Hill Resident Hawk” as there always seems to be one up there!

Spring Azure, One Of Our First Butterflies This Season On Cape Cod.

I saw a little flutter of blue along the trail and was hoping it was one of the early butterflies of the season here on Cape Cod, the Spring Azure. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

It was a Spring Azure and I was in for a treat as it flitted about the trail for quite  a quite while we clicked away. You can see how vivid the blue is when the butterfly has its wings extended, and then how so dramatically different it is when its sings are folded.

Have you ever seen a Spring Azure butterfly? So pretty, don’t you think?