Category Archives: Cape Cod News

Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail In Wellfleet On Cape Cod

Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail in Wellfleet on  Cape Cod is a  mostly shaded 1.2 mile loop which explores one of the Cape’s few remaining stands of Atlantic White Cedar, located on the former site of Camp Wellfleet, a U.S. Army base.


Early settlers split White Cedar into boards for houses and farm buildings as well as joists, frames, doors, rafters, floors, fence posts and even organ pipes. Being so easy to shape it was very versatile.

This is a great hike for the whole family any time of the year, but make sure you bring bug repellent if you hike it in the summer as there can be many mosquitoes on the boardwalk over the swamp.


Sundogs In The Sky On Boat Meadows Beach On Cape Cod


Phil and I were taking a walk on the beach on Christmas Day when we looked up in the sky and we saw the sun with distinct spots on either side of it.

In posting it on our Enjoying Cape Cod Facebook page, one of our friends wrote and told us they were Sundogs. These Sundogs are  also known as mock suns or “parhelia”, with a pair of brightly colored spots, one on either side of the sun.

Very cool, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Sundog?

Handmade Advent Calendar For My Three Granddaughters


I had to resurrect this photograph of an Advent Calendar that I made for my 3 granddaughters a few years ago.

I had such fun creating and planning all of the little ornaments, each one having its own meaning to the girls. And they look forward to putting their ornaments on the tree day by day during the month of December.

I love it because it is timeless… and a treasure for them to look forward to year after year.

Mery Christmas to you all!