Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Beautiful Pink Lady Slipper Wildflowers On Cape Cod.

These pink Lady Slippers were blooming on the side of the road and were so pretty. I love the shape of their flower…. like a little slipper.

Lady Slippers have a pink pouch and 4 reddish brown twisted petals atop a single stalk. The flowers that are 1 and 1/2′ to 2 and 1/2″ and bloom in May and June in the woodlands.

“Some species of lady slipper are listed as endangered or threatened in New England. Others, like the common Pink Lady’s Slipper, are listed as “special concern” under the Native Plant Protection Act.”

So pretty, don’t you think?

Stunning Starflower At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

The wildflowers are blooming everywhere and this particular one, the Starflower, is stunning! The early morning light was just perfect.

The Starflower has 1-2 delicate 1/2″  to 3/4″ flowers with 5-9 pointed petals and 7 long stamens.  The plant is small, only growing from 4-9 inches in May and June.

Beautiful, don’t you think?

Beautiful Lilies Of The Valley Along The Trails On Cape Cod.

It must be that time of the year for the  Lilies of the Valley to bloom. They are so beautiful. We’ve seen so many of them on our last few hikes. They are such a delicate little flower with such a pretty bell-shape.

I took the first photograph on the Doane Rock Trail heading out to Coast Guard Beach and the 2nd photograph on the Nauset Marsh Trail before you get to the overlook of Nauset Marsh. The 2nd one looks like a whole garden of Lilies of the Valley.

So pretty, don’t you think?

Pretty Bluebell Wildflowers On Cape Cod!

I saw these pretty, little wildflowers in the woods on one of my walks recently. There were some blue, pink and white flowers. I had to zoom in on my camera as there was quite a lot of Poison Ivy between me and the flowers and I wasn’t going to risk that this early in the season.

I did some research and found that these Bluebells are sometimes called Wild Hyacinth.

Have you ever seen any wild Bluebells or Wild Hyacinth where you live?

Pretty Yellow Wildflower On Cape Cod.

I’ve seen this small, yellow wildflower on the side of the roads and also by the parking lot at Coast Guard Beach, but have been unable to identify it. The flowers are about 1/2 inch and the plant is about a foot high.

Does anyone know what kind of wildflower this is?