Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Japanese Honeysuckle Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod

The Japanese Honeysuckle  are growing profusely at Fort Hill in Eastham. Japanese Honeysuckle is a  fragrant climbing vine with 1“ white flowers that grow in pairs and turn yellow with age. The flowers bloom from June through August and then become black berries.

Japanese Honeysuckle, although the flowers are very pretty, is considered an invasive plant that can smother out other plants in the area.

Have you ever seen Japanese Honeysuckle?



The Milkweed Seeds Are Dispersing All Over Cape Cod!

The Milkweed seed pods are opening up and the seeds are ready to disperse into the air. They are amazing to watch, and so pretty.

Milkweed is the primary food for Monarch butterflies, so we hope that the seeds land everywhere… maybe even in my yard?

Pretty in the sunlight, don’t you think?

Indian Pipe Wildflowers Are Blooming On Cape cod

If you’re hiking in the woods, look for the waxy white Indian Pipe wildflowers that are blooming in clusters. They have a whitish, waxy, scaly stalk with nodding waxy bell-shaped flowers. Indian Pipe does not have any chlorophyll so its nutrients come from decaying matter, thus they thrive on the forest floor.

Indian Pipe grows to 4-10″ with 1” flowers from July to September. I have been looking for them for a while and only have seen them the past week.

Have you ever seen Indian Pipe wildflowers? So unique, don’t you think?

The Fields At Fort Hill On Cape Cod Are Aglow With Goldenrod Wildflowers

The fields at Fort Hill are spectacular with the glow of Goldenrod wildflowers growing everywhere! They are unbelievable!

It seems like they went from fields of pink Sweet Pea wildflowers a few weeks ago to fields of Goldenrod wildflowers for the fall.

Gorgeous, don’t you think?

Japanese Knotweed Growing Profusely On Cape Cod

This is the time of year when the Japanese Knotweed is growing all over Cape Cod, and elsewhere. It grows densely to 6 feet tall with tiny, white flowers in 3″ spreading clusters.  The leaves are heart-shaped.

Japanese Knotweed grows from August through September in open areas. Although it looks pretty, it is listed by the World Conservation Union as one of the world’s worst invasive plants.
