Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Awesome Photograph Of A Monarch Butterfly On Cape Cod

This beautiful orange Monarch butterfly was flitting around my yard from Butterfly Plant to Butterfly Plant. I followed him around looking for that perfect photo-op.

I loved this photograph of the Monarch head on What do you think? You can see all of the features in his little head!

Pretty Crown Vetch Wildflowers On Coast Guard Beach Trail On Cape Cod

The Crown Vetch wildflowers were so pretty on the trail from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach. These pink and white bi-colored flowers form 1 1/2″ golf ball size clusters at the end of a stalk and grow 1-2 feet. They make a very pretty ground cover from June through August.

Have you ever seen Crown Vetch?

Beautiful Pink Everlasting Pea Wildflower On Cape Cod

The fields at Fort Hill in Eastham are filled with wild Everlasting Peas and they are so pretty as they dot the meadows. They are such a simple but elegant wildflower… one of my favorite’s. They grow all summer long so you should see them if you stop by.

Have you seen a wild Everlasting Pea this summer?