I saw this beautiful blue wildflower at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary the other day, in the garden outside the Nature Center. I think it is Blue-Eyed Grass, It was so pretty and so delicate.
Does anyone know if it is Blue-Eyed Grass?
Since I wrote this Blog, someone commented that it is a Glory of the Snow wildflower. Kudos to my readers for taking the time to help me identify it! Thank you!!
These little mini Daffodils were growing at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and were so pretty. I thought it would a nice post to say “Happy Easter to you all! may you find some time get get outside and enjoy a little bit of nature!”
I keep finding little piles of roses “gone by” on our deck here on Cape Cod. They look almost like a Rosehip but much smaller. And there are always a few little piles strewn about.
So I scouted the other morning and found this little squirrel grabbing a little rose from the bush and jumping on the deck to savor his feast. He did this numerous times and would always feast in a different spot.
It’s hard to believe that we still have a few Hydrangeas blooming in our yard here on Cape Cod. We have not had a freeze yet, so they just keep blooming!
This one was so pretty next to our garage. Do you still have any flowers blooming in your yard?
I was so surprised to one one last Daisy blooming in our garden here on Cape Cod this week. It looked so pretty.
I thought I was finished picking all of the flowers in our gardens for the season, but this little Daisy proved me wrong. I still have a few more days to enjoy the flowers here on Cape Cod!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.