I saw this pretty yellow Celandine wildflower at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod this past week. Calendine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are about 3/4″ while the plant grows to 1-3 feet from May to July on wooded edges, which is exactly where I saw it.
I had to post the very first flower that bloomed in my new yard here in Cape Cod which is a Rose. We planted many trees, shrubs and plants with the butterfly and bird theme, but this Rose was so pretty and reminded me of my Dad who loved Roses.
These pretty little light blue Forget-Me-Not wildflowers caught my eye when we were walking around Provincetown. They are such a small and delicate wildflower with a golden “eye.” They grow to about 15.”
I had seen many of them out in Colorado but had not seen any here on Cape Cod, so it was a big treat to see the Forget-Me-Nots again!
The wildflowers are starting to bloom all over Cape Cod. I keep seeing this pretty white one all along the sides of the roads, but I am having a hard time identifying it.
Does anyone know what kind of wildflower it is? It looks very much like a Saxifrage wildflower out in Colorado.