Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildflowers

Pretty Yellow Celandine In Eastham On Cape Cod

I saw this pretty yellow Celandine wildflower at Fort Hill in Eastham on Cape Cod this past week. Calendine is a leafy plant with hairy stems and deep yellow 4-petaled flowers in loose clusters. The flowers are about 3/4″ while the plant grows to 1-3 feet from May to July on wooded edges, which is exactly where I saw it.

Have you ever seen a Celandine?

Pretty Little Blue Forget-Me-Not Wildflowers In Provincetown on Cape Cod

These pretty little light blue Forget-Me-Not wildflowers caught my eye when we were walking around Provincetown. They are such a small and delicate wildflower with a golden “eye.” They grow to about 15.”

I had seen many of them out in Colorado but had not seen any here on Cape Cod, so it was a big treat to see the Forget-Me-Nots again!