Category Archives: Cape Cod Photography

Eastern Bluebirds At Our Bird Feeders Here On Cape Cod

We haven’t seen an Eastern Bluebird since we moved to Cape Cod over a year ago. And there, on our bird feeders were three of them! What a treat!

We were sitting at our nook getting ready for lunch when Phil asked what bird was sitting high up on the branch. I said, “It looks like a Bluebird, but I’m not sure what it is.” We have not seen one here before.

An then, 2 seconds later, they all flew down to the bird feeders. Wow! They are so beautiful! Have you ever seen a Bluebird?

Beautiful Flowers On Salt Pond Trail In Eastham On Cape Cod

The flowers, which have gone by, are still so pretty on the Salt Pond Trail in Eastham on Cape Cod. It is a beautiful little hike which starts at the Visitor’s Center and goes along the Salt Pond, Nauset Marsh and then back through the woods. There are other trails leading off of that one if you feel like  a longer hike.

The views are just spectacular. What do you think?


White-Breasted Nuthatch At Our Home On Cape Cod


This White-breasted Nuthatch is a regular at our home here on Cape Cod. I love how they walk up and down the trees looking for bugs.

We have had so many birds in our yard that we went out and bought another bird feeder so the birds did not have to “wait in line” for so long.  They do have good manners though, as they wait for one bird to leave before the next one flies in.

Have you ever seen a White-breasted Nuthatch?