It was such a treat to see this Red-tailed Hawk taking a bath in our bird bath yesterday morning. (Click on blog link for other photos.)
I grabbed my camera but only got 3 shots before he flew away.
But still, very cool!!
The Red-winged Blackbirds are back and noisy at Fort Hill. You can always hear their distinct “Cu-ca-ree” calls to each other as you hike the trails. They are so pretty and a sign that spring is almost here!
This guy was sitting on a fence post just singing away. Love his coloring… so bright and vibrant!
It took about 3 weeks for an Eastern Screech to move into our new owl house which we put up at the end of November and he’s been in there ever since. He is just the cutest thing! (Click on blog link for other photo. )
I usually find him basking in the sun or napping in the later afternoon. Sometimes I might see him early in the morning, probably tired from being out all night.
Eastern Screech Owls are nocturnal and do their hunting at night. They feed on mice, rats, chipmunks, squirrels, shrews, bats, and moles. Searches for prey while in flight, rather than from a perch.
Fingers crossed that he finds a mate and has some babies! Breeding season is usually February through March.