Our bird feeders have been very busy this winter with the cold and wet weather. This Hairy Woodpecker comes many times during the day to feed on our suet feeder. And then sometimes he just hangs on and stays there for a long time…maybe he is taking a nap?
Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding
Red-Tailed Hawk Finding Prey At The Salt Marsh On Cape Cod
As we were driving along the salt marsh the other day, I noticed this Red-Tailed Hawk in the grass. I usually see the Red-tailed Hawk sitting in a tree or flying, but rarely on the ground. We pulled over to see what he was doing.
He was obviously enjoying his fresh-caught meal, of what I do not know. There were a lot of seabirds nearby in the river. Maybe a little rodent nearby?
I liked the 2nd photograph as he looks like he is taking a little break from “lunch.” He was pretty far out on the marsh, so no other predators were nearby.
Cute Little Bluebird In Our Birdbath On Cape Cod
I always love to see the Bluebirds when they come to our yard. They all seem to love to sit by the birdbath, They move as a group, whether they are looking for food, getting a drink or taking a bath. And when one leaves, they all fly away.
This little guy was so cute sitting on the birdbath. I love his coloring. What do you think?
Hooded Merganser At Boat Meadow River On Cape Cod
I saw my first Hooded Merganser on Cape Cod the other day at Wiley Park, and then the next day at Boat Meadow River. At first I thought they were Buffleheads, but then I looked a little closer on my computer.
What a gorgeous water bird! Look at those vibrant colors with a huge white patch on its head and white stripes on their black breast and black back. So pretty. The females are more drab in colors of black and brown.
Have you ever seen a Hooded Merganser? They are abundant on Cape Cod from November through March.
Beautiful Mockingbird At Fort Hill On Cape Cod
I was so surprised to see this Mockingbird high in the tree at Fort Hill in the middle of winter. I had never seen one in the winter before. I checked on my Cape Cod Bird Checklist and found that they are common all year round on Cape Cod.
It was a beautiful day and I loved the blue, blue sky in the background. So pretty.
Have you seen a Mockingbird this winter?