This little Northern Flicker was having such a good time taking a bath in our bird bath, just flapping away. We are so lucky to have so many birds in our yard, and I especially love the Northern Flicker.
You can really see his distinctive coloring. Beautiful bird, don’t you think?
I haven’t been able to get a really good photograph of a Swan since we moved to Cape Cod 2 years ago. They are usually too far away to get a good shot or the lighting isn’t right. When hiking a couple of weeks ago, there was a male, a female and a juvenile swan swimming in one of the little kettle ponds along our hike. I thought, “This is my lucky day!”
I clicked away and when I got home , it was the juvenile Swan who stole my heart. I just loved this photograph of the younger, not quite white Swan with similar coloring of the water.
As Phil and I were taking a walk down Coast Guard Beach a couple of weeks ago when the temps were in the lower 70s, we saw something lying on the sand. Hmmm….
As we got closer I could see that it was a Common Eider just relaxing in the sun and not bothered by anyone. We clicked away. After a little while, he got up and sauntered back down to the water.
A Common Eider has a white back and black undersides with a black crown. They have a very distinctive bill, as you can see. I’d only seen them a couple of times last year in the water, so this was a big treat!
There were so many birds flying over the water and then diving in off of Nauset Spit the other day. The fish must have been very plentiful right there. It looks like there were many different species of birds enjoying their feast!
This photograph only captures a small percentage of the birds diving and feeding there. Have you ever seen anything like this?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.