Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Beautiful Whimbrel At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

We saw this beautiful Whimbrel at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary a few weeks ago. It was out on the sand by the marsh grass.

The Whimbrel is a fairly large wader of the Curlew family. It gets its English name because it is imitative of the bird’s call.

We had never seen one there before, so this was a big treat! Look at that bill. It is huge!

Carolina Wren Taking A Bath In Our Birdbath On Cape Cod

The Carolina Wren is such a pretty little bird with a beautiful song that you would recognize anywhere. We’ve had a pair of Carolina Wrens and their family living in our yard, but sometimes we don’t see them for days.

This little guy was loving a bath in our birdbath. I think it was one of the babies from the summer. Cute, don’t you think?

Contortionist Northern Flicker At Our Bird Feeder On Cape Cod

We were trying to figure out how this Northern Flicker was getting seed from our bird feeder that only allows a certain weight of bird get the seed. We did this so that the Crows, Grackles and Blue Jays don’t eat everything, which they would!

Northern Flickers are supposed to eat suet, which he does, sometimes. But it seems like this prefers the bird seed at the feeder.

Somehow he lies down on the bar and the puts his beak way up the shaft so he can reach the seed. Pretty clever, don’t you think?

He is so much fun to watch… and very creative!


Hairy Woodpecker On Our Backyard Tree On Cape Cod

It was  pouring rain a few days ago when this Hairy Woodpecker clung to the side our our pine tree for it seemed like hours… maybe a good half hour. It seemed like such a long time. I had never seen a woodpecker stay in the same place for so long, especially in the daytime.

I guess it was raining so hard, this was the best place he could find to hang out!