Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Great Blue Heron Searching For Food At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod

I have seen so many Great Blue Herons lately in the salt marshes here on Cape Cod. This Great Blue was stalking something in the water along in the high grass, searching for his next meal.

And then he darted down toward the water and caught lunch, as you can see him with his beak wide open.


Laughing Gull Molting On Cape Cod

I took this photograph at Hemenway Landing is Eastham on Cape Cod. I had no idea what kind of seagull it was. I got home and looked and looked but came up with nothing.

So, I went to see Mike, the owner of The Bird Watcher’s General Store  in Orleans, and after researching it himself concluded that it was a Laughing Gull molting its feathers. Thanks goodness that Mike is around when we get really stuck!

It just looked so weird to me, almost as if it someone had put a seagull costume on it. It just didn’t look like the body fit its head.

What do you think?


Huge Bird Tracks in the Sand On Cape Cod

This must be one huge bird that left its tracks in the sand at Boat Meadow on Cape Cod! That is my foot print next to the bird’s tracks and my foot is pretty big.

In doing some research it must be a big Great Blue Heron as their tracks usually range from 6-8.” They just looked huge walking along the sand. Very cool!

Lots Of Birders At the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

If you want to go birding with an expert, sign up at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary. They schedule many birding hikes throughout the day and you will be surprised at how much you learn. They are amazing!

We were out at the outer beach past the boardwalk when we saw these birders in the distance. We went over to see what they were watching and were pleasantly surprised. There were quite a few different shore birds that we couldn’t see where we had been standing. The expert was educating them on all of the birds they could see from Black-bellied Plovers to Semi-palmated Plovers to a Whimbrel by the tall grass. He was so informative on everything around them.

It was a gorgeous day to be on the beach and such a treat to see so many shore birds! A perfect day to go birding!

Juvenile Black-Bellied Plover In Wellfleet On Cape Cod

These little Black-Bellied Plovers were flitting all around the mud flats by the beach at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary  the other day. Phil and I clicked away and got a few good photographs.

And then I started to do research and am not sure what they are. I think they are juvenile Black-Bellied Plovers. Can anyone verify what they are?

Their coloring is so different from adult Black-Bellied Plovers, but they were right near each other on the mud flats. Any help would be much appreciated!