Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Rare Cattle Egret In Eastham On Cape Cod

Phil and I were driving home last week when I saw this Egret-like bird in one of the little ponds along the side of the road. It has rained so much lately that there are little ponds all over the place, where there were never any little ponds.

I got out of the car and clicked away, thinking it was a Great Egret. It wasn’t until I got home and looked on my computer that I saw it was a Cattle Egret. They are not very common around here so it was a big treat to see one. I had never seen one before!

Love that orangish plumage on his breast, head and tail!

Adorable Tufted Titmouse At The Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary On Cape Cod

Phil was sitting in the car in the parking lot at the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary as I ran inside to make a delivery. As he sat there, this adorable little Tufted Titmouse landed in the flowering tree right above him. The car acted as a blind for him, so he could see the bird but the bird could not see him. He got out his camera and clicked away.

When I got back he showed me these great photographs of the little Tufted Titmouse… and the gorgeous flowering tree as a backdrop!

What a perfect photo-op!

Wishing you all a wonderful Mother’s Day! May you find a few moments to get outside and enjoy a little bit of Mother Nature!

Beautiful Scarlet Tanager In Our Backyard On Cape Cod!

I was working away on my Blog yesterday afternoon when something red caught my eye. I looked out into our backyard and saw this gorgeous Scarlet Tanager sitting on a branch in one of the trees. I have only seen one once before at Bushy Point in Connecticut many years ago and never here on Cape Cod.

I had my camera nearby so I clicked away. He was only here for a few moments and then he flew away.

What a wonderful treat to see in my own backyard! WOW! He’s gorgeous, don’t you think? Another one of those “was there at the right time, with camera nearby” moments!

We’ve been keeping count of how many different species of birds that we’ve seen in our backyard since we moved in a year ago… we’re up to 38 different species!


The Colorful Baltimore Orioles Are Back On Cape Cod!

We’ve had our grape jelly out for a couple of weeks now waiting for the Baltimore Orioles to come back to Cape Cod! And here they are! What a gorgeous bird… orange and black and white. The female is a bit muted in color but still very pretty.

I love how they hang onto the wire just to get a bit of that decadent grape jelly!

Welcome Back! We hope you make another home this spring in our yard!