Our bird feeders and bird bath have been inundated with American Goldfinches! They are so cute! Most of them are still pretty dark in coloring. They start to turn bright yellow in March through October, so we should start to see them brighten up quite a bit!
This little guy was so cute as he leaned way down to get a drink.
These little sanderlings were gathered together at low tide on Coast Guard Beach in Eastham on Cape Cod. They are such cute little birds and seem to travel as one…in a pack. If one moves to the right, they all do. They love to scurry around on the sandbars. Sanderlings are quite amusing to watch!
Have you ever seen a Sanderling? Such a fun little bird!
I saw this Mockingbird, high up in the tree, singing away while hiking at Fort Hill on Cape Cod. What a pretty photograph with the blue, blue sky in the background!
They are best known for mimicking the songs of other birds often loudly and in rapid succession. Thus they are called the Mockingbird.
Have you ever heard a Mockingbird? They are usually very chatty and let you know they are nearby.
I love the Red-Bellied Woodpecker that hangs around our yard and eats our suet. He is just gorgeous! You can always tell where he is by distinctive call. It sounds like a double “chiv chiv.” You would know if you heard it!
There were a flock of Brants swimming along the shore on Cape Cod Bay. They are very distinctive with their black head, neck and chest and a patch of white lines on their upper neck.
They love the saltwater bays from November to May.
Have you ever seen a Brant?
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.