I walked by our bay window and saw a huge bird on our bird feeder, so I quickly grabbed my camera and clicked. I was so positive that it was a Red-tailed Hawk that I didn’t even think twice about it. He was sitting on top of the feeder patiently waiting for the birds which were noticeable absent.
Until… I put it on my computer and realized that it was a Cooper’s Hawk and he was a beauty! I only got one shot and this was it! Beautiful bird, don’t you think? Have you ever seen a Cooper’s Hawk?
Yesterday morning I was commenting to Phil that there was a Bluebird at the feeder who was just so blue and so gorgeous… when the Bluebird grabbed a meal-worm and landed on my snowy deck about 10 feet away from me. (Click on blog link for series of photos.)
I picked up my camera and clicked away… right through the window. The series of photos goes like this: He lands on my deck and puts his meal-worm down in the snow. He looks to the left and then to the right. In the last photograph you can see that he ate the meal-worm.
And then he flew away. What a treat! He was so blue and so gorgeous!
We watched these two Swans swimming about in the water for quite a while, hoping they would come closer to shore. Whatever the first one did, the second one followed. It looked like water ballet.
Here they had tucked their heads down as if to sleep. They were still pretty far out but I liked the artsy look this photograph. What do you think?
Each morning when I wake up this little Downy Woodpecker is looking out of the birdhouse by our bedroom. If I try to go outside and get a good photograph of him, he flies away quickly. But if I’m inside, I can watch him for quite a while and he is very interesting to watch! (Click on blog link for other photo.)
I took this photograph looking through the screen. He is just so cute. You can even see the little patch of red on his head. Not a bad way to wake up in the morning!
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.