It was pouring rain all day when we saw this Red Tailed Hawk perched up in the tree. He must be hungry. He had a perfect view of our bird feeders and, I’m sure, was hoping for a nice, tasty lunch.
He waited a long time and then flew away, empty-taloned. I took this photograph through the glass when it was pouring rain, but it seemed to come out OK, other than he looks pretty drenched.
I wanted to post something a little “Halloweeny” and came up with a black and white photograph of this Willett yacking away high in the tree. I loved his silhouette.
This little Downy Woodpecker not only loves our suet feeder, but also frequents our sunflower seed feeder. I love to watch them scurry up the trees as they call out, “pik, pik.”
These Double-Crested Cormorants were perched on this little float in Stage Harbor in Chatham. They looked so funny! I love how they spread their wings to dry them.
Cape Cod daily articles on the wonderful Cape Cod places to hike, experience and photograph. A Cape Cod Outdoor Adventure Series.