Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Osprey And Two Chicks On Their Nest On Cape Cod!

It was such a treat to see the Osprey and 2 chicks on their nest yesterday. It looked like the young ones were testing their wings and standing abilities. So cute! (Click on blog link for another photo.)

In the 2nd photograph the parent had just flown in with a fish which the little ones were devouring. So much fun to watch them way up high on their nest!

This was the nest that blew down last winter in the high winds. They sure did a good job rebuilding!

Great Crested Flycatcher In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

I’ve heard the Great Crested Flycatcher’s distinctive call in our yard quite a bit lately, so I know he is around. Its call is a nasally-sounding series of “wheep” whistles. And then… he landed on our bird feeder. I quickly got my camera and got a photograph from my living room. It’s the only one I got, before he flew away.

The Great Crested Flycatcher, who catches insects,  has a gray breast and throat and a yellow belly. His bill is heavy and black. They are most often found breeding in deciduous forests and at edges of clearings and mixed woodlands, which is probably why he likes our yard.

Have you ever heard his call? Beautiful bird, don’t you think?

Lots Of Northern Bobwhites At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

Yesterday was one of those days when it was cloudy and cool enough to take a nice walk at Fort Hill in the afternoon. Usually it gets too hot by then. I thought maybe we might see some new wildflowers or perhaps, a butterfly or two. We most often see birds in the morning or evening, not in the middle of the day. (Click on blog link to see more photographs.)

Little did we know that we would see six Northern Bobwhites walking on the trail. Two at a time in 3 different locations. What a treat! We haven’t seen one yet this year but have frequently heard their call, “Bob-white! Bob-white!” I learned this call from my Dad when I was a little girl, as he was an avid birder and I have never forgotten it. It is so clear and so distinct!

Most of the time they were on the trail in front of us running down the trail while we tried to get a photograph. They were pretty quick. And just when we were giving each other a fist bump, we would see 2 more walking along the trail. It was really cool!

Have you seen a Northern Bobwhite this year? There are obviously quite a few at Fort Hill and they do like to walk the trails… with us! 🙂


Red-Winged Blackbird In Our Little Bird Bath On Cape Cod!

The birds just love the  little bird bath in our backyard. This Red-winged Blackbird was enjoying himself immensely as he dunked up and down and splashed around. (Click on blog link to see other image.)

I never knew that Red-winged Blackbirds were backyard birds, but we have a few this summer who hang out here quite a bit. I’m loving it!