Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Phil’s Custom-Made Bluebird Bird Feeder On Cape Cod.

We had such a problem last summer with all of the Grackles and Starlings and Crows eating all of the Bluebird’s mealworms (very expensive food but the Bluebird’s favorite), Phil decided he had to do something about it.  He designed his own Bluebird bird feeder that only allows the “little” birds to eat from it. (Click  on link for a better photo.) It has worked wonderfully!

We bought a bird feeder from the Bird Watcher’s General Store in Orleans and then Phil “retrofitted” it with 10 screws going all around the inside of the dish and some electrical tape.  The inside of the dish had to be raised so only the Bluebirds, sitting on the edge of the dish, could eat the mealworms.  You can also adjust the height of the top cover so that only the Bluebirds can get in.  It is amazing that they fly right in and out, even when lowered more than in the photograph.

The Bluebirds and a few other small birds have no trouble flying in for a meal, while the other “pesky” birds that eat everything in sight cannot get in.

Ingenious, don’t you think?


Sharp-Shinned Hawk Enjoying Lunch In Our Yard On Cape Cod.

With all of the snow that we have been having the past few days, the birds have been everywhere in our yard…  at the feeders, in the bird bath and scrounging for dropped food on the ground. Yesterday we got home later in the  morning and there were no birds to be seen. Hmmmm… (Click on blog to see other photograph.)

As we looked out our bedroom window there, under the bush, was a Sharp-shinned Hawk enjoying a meal of one of the Mourning Doves. He was content as could be and furiously picking away at what was left.

We got our cameras out and clicked away. He was in just the right light. Notice the beady eyes… that’s why they are such great hunters. By the time he flew away, there wasn’t even a bone left, just a pile of feathers. Wow…

Red-Breasted Merganser At Boat Meadow Creek On Cape Cod.

Yesterday Phil and I were  driving home from a  walk on Nauset Beach when I saw something out of the corner of my eye as we passed over the bridge on Bridge Road. Stop the car! I jumped out!

There, swimming and fishing in Boat Meadow Creek was a beautiful Red-breasted Merganser. I’ve been trying to get a good photograph of one all winter, so this was a huge treat.

The ripples in the water made for such a unique photograph. Gorgeous bird, don’t you think? Love his red eye, orange bill and his messy hair look!