Category Archives: Cape Cod Birding

Whoops! Wrong Bluebird Mom On Cape Cod!

These two little baby Bluebirds were patiently waiting for their mom to bring them some food. Each time she flew up to them, they had their beaks wide open ready for that precious seed.

So, when this Starling flew up where they were perched, they instinctively opened their mouths for their food. I’m not sure who was more startled… the Bluebirds or the Starling! Look at his eye!!

Mom Bluebird Feeding Her Three Babies In Our Yard On Cape Cod

The bluebirds have all fledged and sure are hungry. You can hear their little peeps all day long as the moms fly in for the seed and then fly back and feed their young. Yesterday the little babies were all on a branch in a nearby tree.  Mom would  fly down for a seed and then fly back up to the branch and feed each one.

Today they all showed up at our bird feeders. Mom would get a seed and then fly feed each one as they sat there patiently.

It doesn’t get much cuter than this! What do you think?

The Least Terns Are Nesting At Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod

The Least Terns were quite noisy as we walked by their roped off area on Coast Guard Beach. The nesting area is off limits to people and pets as the Least Terns and the Piping Plovers lay their eggs and raise their young.

This Least Tern looked so regal as he posed for his photograph!