Category Archives: Cape Cod Wildlife

Box Turtle #6 Hatched In Our Yard Today On Cape Cod!

I called Bill Allan, our local turtle expert,  this morning to tell him that we had 5 Box Turtles that hatched in our yard from Thursday to Saturday. He was very excited. He suggested that we dig down a bit very gently and see what the nest looked like… whether the egg remnants were still there or perhaps another egg that wasn’t going to hatch. Were we surprised!

I dug down very carefully and there was another little baby turtle trying to dig its way out! Wow!! This is Number 6 and I think the last. We did see some of the eggs remnants that had hatched and that was pretty cool.

Two things that I learned from this awesome experience: 1. Sometimes it takes days for them to all hatch. Ours took 5 days. They do not all hatch on the same day. 2. They are the cutest, most precious little things I’ve seen in a  long, long while.

Bon Voyage, little ones, I hope we see you around our yard in the future! What an unbelievable experience!


The Box Turtle Excitement Continues In Our Yard On Cape Cod!

When I posted my blog on Friday about the 2 Box Turtles that had hatched in our yard on Thursday, I thought that was it. Until… there were 2 more that hatched on Friday afternoon. What a wonderful surprise! (Click on blog link to see more photos.)

They are just adorable, as you can see from the photographs. And then yesterday morning, we could see a little one crawling out of his little hole in the ground. How precious is that?! Wow! We’re now up to five little ones!

The photos show the 3 new ones and how cute they are. You can see in the last photo the 5th turtle who is climbing out of the hole where the egg has been for the past 78 days.

What an awesome experience! Anyone living on Cape Cod might have the same experience next year! What a treat!


The Box Turtles In Our Yard On Cape Cod Hatched Yesterday!

We’ve been checking every day to see if the Box Turtle eggs in our yard had hatched yet. Yesterday was Day 76 with the average being 70 days. (Click on blog link to see whole story with photos.)

A couple of weeks ago we called the local “turtle expert” Bill Allan who came over and put a little cage on the area where the female had laid her eggs in June. He even loosened the soil a bit to help them along. While doing this we saw 2 eggs buried about 3-4″ in the sand. Wow! They were really in there!

Yesterday morning I went out  early to check them as the forecast was for torrential rain. No one was stirring then. But when we went out later in the afternoon, after the rains had stopped, there were 2 little Box Turtles that had hatched and needed to get out of the cage into the nearby woods.

The chronology of photos is: 1) First turtle that we picked up to place in the woods. 2) The cage that Bill Allan put in our yard over the nest. 3) When I first noticed that the turtles had hatched. I could see 2 little holes in the sand. You can see the turtles inside the cage. 4) Removal of the cage. 5) 2nd turtle getting a helping hand to the woods. 6) First turtle under some ground cover. 7) 2nd turtle under ground cover.

Just went out to check again. They made it out into the woods! Wow! What an incredible experience! So cool!!

Seal Island Off Of Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod.

Each year there seems to be  a “seal island” on one of the sandbars by Coast Guard Beach or Nauset Beach. The seals pack themselves together and enjoy that little bit of time until the tide comes in again. (Click blog link to see other photo.)

The 2nd photo is of “seal island” not zoomed in. It is pretty far away from shore.