Walk The Breakwater In Provincetown To Long Point!

Walking the mile long rock jetty, or breakwater, from Provincetown to Long Point Beach and Long Point Lighthouse is an experience you will never forget. The views of the expansive beach and looking back toward Provincetown are just spectacular! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

 Long Point is the sandy tip of Cape Cod across from Provincetown Harbor.  It is literally “Land’s End.” You can see Wood End Light in the above photograph way in the distance.

The walk out on the breakwater is across boulders the entire way, so you need to be careful and check the tides as the rocks can get very slippery at high tide.

Or, for the “faint-of-heart,” there is a Long Point Shuttle that will transport you from Provincetown to Long Point Beach!


3 thoughts on “Walk The Breakwater In Provincetown To Long Point!”

  1. A quick correction.: The lighthouse you see in the photo, and which is closest to the end of the breakwater, is actually Wood End Light. The Long Point Lighthouse is approximately 1 .25 miles to the east.

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