Coast Guard Station In Eastham On Cape Cod Is Always So Beautiful!

Whether it’s summer or winter, cloudy or sunny, Coast Guard Station is always beautiful. Here’s a few facts, if you didn’t know…

One of the original nine stations was constructed at Nauset. It was located about 350 yards southeast of the present building. Shoreline erosion compelled the construction of a new station. The old station remained in service until 1937, when it was replaced by the present structure. The present building was in service as a Coast Guard Station until 1958.

The building is now the Cape Cod National Seashore’s residential environmental education program facility. Known as NEED, it offers educational groups an opportunity to experience the natural and historical wonders of Cape Cod. The building is not open to the general public, but visitors are able to walk around the grounds and enjoy the ocean views.”

There is so much history on Cape Cod!

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