Mac’s On The Pier On Cape Cod… In Color Or Black And White?

We took a couple of photographs of Mac’s on the Pier in Wellfleet the other morning. It was such a pretty morning. The sky was beautiful! (Click on blog link for other photo.)

But, we can’t decide if we like the color one or the black and white one better. What do you think?


2 thoughts on “Mac’s On The Pier On Cape Cod… In Color Or Black And White?”

  1. That’s a tough choice! The black and white phot portrays such a warm and lovely vintage feel to it. However, I also feel the joy and excitement of the pretty colors, especially in that gorgeous sky!
    Both are stunning!

  2. I agree with Tree. Both are terrific, just different from each other. The black and white photo reminds me of an illustration in an old storybook, while the colorful one is exactly what Tree said, joyful! 🙂

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