Northern Bobwhite At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.

I’ve been looking for the Northern Bobwhite at Fort Hill all summer. I’ve heard his call of “Bob-white, bob-white,” but I haven’t been able to find him.

And then we drove up the road one morning last week and there he was… walking down the road. I was able to get a couple of photographs before he ran into the high grass.

Have you seen the Bobwhite at Fort Hill this summer? #eastham #forthill

3 thoughts on “Northern Bobwhite At Fort Hill On Cape Cod.”

  1. An absolute thrill! My neighbor Hunter tried 10 years ago to restock our neighborhood with Bob Whites and they roosted in my crab apple tree and played in the dirt patch in my yard, but alas the coyotes won. How lovely a call they have, if only they’d make a true come back. Thanks for sharing♥️

    1. What a nice story! I’ve seen them here almost every year since we moved here in 2015. I’ve even seen some chicks with them, but that was a couple of years ago. Fingers crossed that they stay here!

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