Sailing Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.

I haven’s seen many people trying to sail Nauset Marsh as the waterways are narrow and you definitely need a bit of wind. But yesterday morning we saw this colorful Sunfish sailing right out of Orlean’s Town Cove and all through Nauset Marsh. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

It was pretty cool to watch from the overlook at Fort Hill. #nausetmarsh #forthill #natiuonalseashore

2 thoughts on “Sailing Nauset Marsh On Cape Cod.”

  1. I have sailed my Sunfish from Boatmeadow all the way to the bridge on Bridge Rd a few times. It is a fun challenging sail. One interesting thing is that even with a moderate wind the surface of the water stays flat as it is protected by the tall marsh grass, but you can really get moving.

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