Doane Rock To Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod…

I love the walk from Doane Rock to Coast Guard Beach, especially the little trail that goes right by Nauset Marsh. This time of the year the  reeds are so tall, you can hardly see the water.

The sun was so pretty shining through… what do you think?

3 thoughts on “Doane Rock To Coast Guard Beach On Cape Cod…”

  1. When my parents were alive, we celebrated Easter at Doane Rock and had a massive picnic and then hiked to CG Beach. It holds such a special place in our hearts. This will be our first Easter back up north in many years. We’ll at least be with the remaining and new family members, not at the rock… But out on Chappy for a picnic. Happy Easter to you. Love your photos and stories.
    Gerry Monaco

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