Many Picnic Areas To Choose From In The National Seashore On Cape Cod.

There are so many picnic areas in the National Seashore, that sometimes you have to choose which one you like better! (Click on blog link for other photos.)

One on our favorite areas to picnic is near Doane Rock where it is shady and cool. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

These picnic areas are near Doane Rock and have room for a family  or a larger group. They are all accessible by car which makes it very easy. Have you ever picnicked there?

2 thoughts on “Many Picnic Areas To Choose From In The National Seashore On Cape Cod.”

  1. “At the state park, they hiked up to a meadow covered with soft grass and golden poppies. Jerome spread out a blanket, and they lazed in the sunshine and had their lunch. The sliders and sheet cake were a hit, as she had known they would be. The sandwiches had been a food truck staple—thin slices of house-cured pastrami, garlic dill kraut, Swiss cheese, and Russian dressing, the rolls slathered with herb butter and crunchy seeds and salt.”
    ― Susan Wiggs, Sugar and Salt

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