The CG36500 Is Back In The Water At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod.

After a nice bath at Nauset Marine, the CG36500 is back in the water at Rock Harbor.

I just happened to see Nauset Marine’s FB picture of the CG36500 getting a bath a couple of days ago. And then yesterday, I just happened to be driving down Bridge Road when I saw Nauset Marine’s truck carrying the CG36500 back to the boat launch on the Eastham side of Rock Harbor, so I decided to follow it.

What a treat! The CG36500 is the center of such an amazing story about a ocean rescue off of Chatham that was made into a Disney movie called “The Finest Hours.” Truly unforgettable…

3 thoughts on “The CG36500 Is Back In The Water At Rock Harbor On Cape Cod.”

  1. From The Centers for Culture and History in Orleans:

    “The fate of the CG36500 is a rescue story in itself. After more than two decades of Coast Guard service, the 36-foot wooden lifeboat was retired in 1968 and sat neglected and nearly forgotten for years. The Orleans Historical Society acquired the boat in 1981, and it has been carefully rebuilt and maintained by many dedicated volunteers with support of generous grants and individual donations.”

    Here’s a link to p photos of the restoration process:

  2. Thank you so much for all the lovely photos! I am so enjoying your blog. Each day I receive in my email a bit of Cape Cod. I am 74 and living in NE Texas now. I grew up on the Berkshires on Pontoosic Lake north of Pittsfield. Every year my family drove the 4.5 hours down the Mass Pike to the Cape and spend a couple of weeks. As an adult I continued to go camping at Head of the Meadow Campgrounds. Head of the Meadow Beach. The National Sea Shore has remained in my heart and indeed, soul, for my lifetime. I do get back to the Berkshires every few years and always manage at least 4 nights in N. Truro. You bring back the memories! Wishing you good health….enjoy that bike!!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad that my photos bring back some fond memories of your time on the Cape! What a wonderful way to spend your vacation time. And yes, I will enjoy every minute on my bike!

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