Cape Cod National Seashore Is Always Working To Keep Their Trails Safe.

Cape Cod National Seashore is always busy keeping their trails up-to-date and safe for everyone to enjoy. (Click on blog link for other photos.)

We took a hike at the Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Trail last week and noticed that there is some work being done on the boardwalk over the swamp.

You can still enjoy most of the boardwalk and the swamp by entering on the opposite side as shown in the photograph.

It’s such a great hike for the whole family! Have you ever been on it?


One thought on “Cape Cod National Seashore Is Always Working To Keep Their Trails Safe.”

  1. Love that trail – especially during the winter months when there is a skim coating of ice covering the streams there. It’s a ‘mystical and magical’ place to visit in the winter with no mosquitos!

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