Have You Seen The Gorgeous Trumpet Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod?

The bright, orange Trumpet wildflowers at Fort Hill and the rest of the Cape are blooming and gorgeous. (Click on blog link for other photo.)

Each flower looks like a small trumpet. They bloom on plants that grow as tall as a hedge and just as thick.  Have you seen these beautiful wildflowers on the side of the road at Fort Hill?


One thought on “Have You Seen The Gorgeous Trumpet Wildflowers At Fort Hill On Cape Cod?”

  1. “…The nectar of the flowers attracts the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, Baltimore Oriole, Orchard Oriole and some Sphinx moths; the hummingbird and sphinx moths are effective pollinators, while the orioles have a tendency to tear-up the flowers…

    “Because of the luxuriant leaves and rampant growth of this vine, it provides good cover and nesting habitat for many species of songbirds…”


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